
dimarts, 4 de novembre del 2003


Aquesta pàgina sobre poesia concreta: conceptual, històrica, visual, sonora: UbuWeb és essencial, especial, vastíssima.

S'hi troba de tot: textos, sons , músiques...

Escanejen llibres, papers, textos difícils de trobar. Converteixen a mp3 dotzenes i dotzenes de material sonor descatalogat, perdut. I ho posen al servei comú, sense treure'n profit.

Extret d' UbuWeb:
"... All MP3s served on UbuWeb are either out-of-print, incredibly difficult to find, or, in our opinion, absurdly overpriced.

UbuWeb posts much of its content without permission; we rip full-length CDs into sound files; we scan as many books as we can get our hands on; we post essays as fast as we can OCR them. And not once have we been issued a cease and desist order. Instead, we receive glowing e-mails from artists, publishers and record labels finding their work on UbuWeb thanking us for taking an interest in what they do; in fact, most times they offer UbuWeb additional materials..."